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4.8 ( 1008 ratings )
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Did you ever wanted to shout your opinion or needed a second opinion before making a decision?

With Opina you and your friends can give opinions about anything, see other popular opinions and even search products and check their ratings!

No opinion yet? Save your favorite items and opine about them later.

That way we help each other with sincere insights!


• Streamlined timeline with worldwide popular opinions.
• See opinions with ratings about anything you can imagine in hundreds of categories - You can talk about anything, and your voice will be heard.
• Easy-to-use interface with photos, worldwide ratings and 5-star reviews.
• Search products, follow people with the same tastes as you and get their recommendations and opinions in the newsfeed.
• Share your Opinions on Facebook, Whatsapp in a gorgeous infographic image.

Your opinion matters!